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August 29, 2022

A WOS warehouse implements a new and revolutionary type of warehousing that seeks to empower your pickers and shippers. It helps them improve their efficiency by making their job easier.

Utilizing iPads and secure proprietary cloud-based technology, WarehouseOS (WOS) saves companies money like never before.

No more memorizing pick lanes, no more guessing which route is the fastest, and no more need for paper pick sheets. Everything is self-contained in each mobile device you use.

But is this really an improvement on more traditional picking and shipping software and systems out there? We will be exploring that in this article. We'll look at some of the downsides to standard systems that many companies face, and we'll see how WOS solves these issues.


Common Problems with Modern Inventory Management Software

Hoj Innovations has been in the industry of warehousing for over 50 years. We've analyzed countless operations and have seen firsthand what holds most of them back.

We all understand that no solution is ever truly perfect. That is why it is necessary to be aware of the common problems of much modern inventory management software before diving headfirst into one particular solution.

In-house - First and foremost, many modern systems require you to store the WMS in-house. This should be a non-starter for most companies. Most of the time, you can't even remotely connect to get key data and insights about your operation. Not to mention the additional costs that come from running, maintaining, and updating the system to meet your ever-growing needs. This leads to the next point.

Hard to expand its capabilities -You're a growing business. Like children who have ever-changing needs as they grow into adulthood, so does your company or the company you work for as it matures.

Typical warehouse management software can developmentally stunt a business. If you need additional capabilities, features, etc., they can't be added easily. It generally takes a team of software experts and months of work to accomplish such feats.

Hard to integrate -A standard WMS is notoriously hard to integrate. This one is similar to the in-house downside in that you need a lot of on-site material to get these programs up and running. They have difficulty syncing with your warehouse environment and need constant tuning.

Long training times -The warehousing side of the industry has ahigh turnover rate. 29.5% of warehouse workers (both temps and full-time) reported having a turnover rate between 10-25%. 21% of employees reported having a turnover rate between 25-50%. 8% of respondents reported a 50% to 100% turnover rate.

This industry has a high turnover rate, so long training times can add up to hundreds of hours spent every year to train people on how to do their jobs. That takes time away from fulfilling orders and getting products shipped out.

This is an even bigger problem for companies during peak season. Temp workers need to be brought in, learn the system, and start working as fast as possible, which isn't possible with many systems.

High upfront cost -Costs for lengthy contracts, IT teams, in-house, software developers, etc., can add up fast. It is best to do your homework to ensure that you will achieve a positive ROI on your purchase, or it won't be worth it. SKUSavvy states thatOn-Premise deployment might look like this: "you buy the license for $75,000, pay your initial setup fees of $20,000, and have an annual renewal fee of 10-15% of the cost of the license ($7,500-$11,250)."

The Immutable Downside of All WMS - Every WMS has a long setup time. If you choose a system you don't like, switching to another will be a very long and arduous process. Many times there are even additional fees for breaking your contract early. So no matter what system you choose, understand that the setup is a long process.

The Ultimate Warehouse Picking Solution

In direct response to these inefficiencies, we have developed WarehouseOS™ (WOS), which addresses each of them.

In-House- No longer do you have to have the system in-house. Secure servers are located at and maintained by Hoj Innovations. There is no costly setup and no need to hire additional IT support staff to run the system. WarehouseOS™ is operated entirely on the cloud, so you can run, manage, and access your data anytime and anywhere.

Expandable Capabilities- The remote access feature makes WarehouseOS™ perfect for modern business. Access the system from anywhere on the planet and see important employee data with the swipe of a finger.  

WOS is accessed through the secure cloud interface that seamlessly connects to a secure iOS app. This means that you can easily expand your business without a second thought. We specifically crafted WOS to grow and work with any size business.

Easy to Integrate  - Our flexible API allows WOS to integrate with just about any eCommerce and shipping platform. No more manual data entry. Automate it with WOS!

Short Training Times - Training new employees on other systems can take 1-2 hours or more. Training a new worker on WOS can be done in under 30 minutes. Get them working at peak efficiency right away. Save time and money while operating more efficiently overall.

Low Up Front Costs - The cost of WOS is simple. There is an initial setup fee (the cost of the iPad mobile devices, associated hardware, liscense) and then a monthly small monthly subscription.

Setup Time - A significant setup time is an inherent part of any system. Inventory analyses must be performed to sync all of your SKU locations and quantities with WOS. But instead of having year-long length contracts or forcing you to purchase a license to use the software, we have a simple monthly subscription.

If you aren't happy with your experience with WOS, you can easily cancel with no cancellation fees.

Case Studies

Check out some of the testimonials of our current customers: Love Olive Co. and CampSaver.


Choosing the perfect Warehouse Management Software can be a difficult process. There are many different options and brands to choose from. Pitfalls of other systems can hold you back and keep your business from growing. WOS was created by experts for experts and was carefully designed to avoid many of the common pitfalls that plague modern WMSs.

Reach out today if you'd like a live demo of WOS and see firsthand how it can help you.

Jeremy Barth
Jeremy Barth

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