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April 07, 2020

With the latest news surrounding COVID-19, we feel the need to inform you of what we are doing to keep operations moving forward. Hoj Innovations, Hoj Idaho Material Handling, and its sister companies are part of the supply chain industry that fall under the category of Essential Business. Many of our customers are working around the clock to deliver medical and pharmaceuticals supplies that are necessary at this time of need. We too are here to keep essential doors open and functioning at full capacity.

Many restrictions and guidelines have been released nationwide to stop the spread of this virus. We are doing everything we can to follow these instructions.



The safety and security of our employees and their families are at the forefront of our minds. Therefore, we have implemented remote work options and alternate shifts in order to keep safe distance from one another. Things such as washing hands and cleaning work areas have also been implemented. Though many of our staff are not in the office, they are just as available as before.



Hoj Innovations remains committed to its clientele. We understand that every business is trying their best to keep their doors open and safe. We are coordinating remote meetings and communicating through telephone and other means when possible. If face-to-face meetings are mandatory, we ensure they never exceed more than 10 people at a time.



Our community inside and outside our business is made up of many special friends and acquaintances. That's why we feel the need to follow strict guidelines in order to keep everyone safe. By doing our part in the community, we will contribute to the fast recovery we are all patiently awaiting.


If you would like to learn more about what Hoj Innovations is doing to help employees, clients, and the community during the COVID-19 crisis, please don't hesitate to give us a call at (801) 266-8881.



Tim Hoj

CEO at Hoj Innovations

Hoj Marketing
Hoj Marketing

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