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August 30, 2022

Warehouse racking for pallets can get confusing really quickly. That is why in this article, we will be breaking down everything from the terminology to the individual parts of racking and discussing the advantages and disadvantages of new vs. used racking. 

Table of Contents

  1. What Are Pallet Uprights?
  2. What Are Load Beams?
  3. What Are Wire Decks?
  4. New Pallet Racks
  5. Used Pallet Racking
  6. About Hoj Innovations
  7. Conclusion

What Are Pallet Uprights?

Warehouse pallet uprights are tall vertical steel frames that have holes evenly placed on the outmost edge for steel load beams to attach too. Sometimes referred to as “Verticals,” the heights of these structural pieces can range from 8 feet to over 30 feet high. A standard height for most businesses is between 15-25 feet high. 

Uprights also can also have a depth or width that ranges from 24” to 48”. 

Some common types of pallet uprights are structural or roll form pallet racking. Roll form uprights are standard and are what we are typically referring to in this article. Base plates are welded on, and cross support braces are preinstalled by the manufacturer before shipment. 

“Teardrop” racks or uprights refer to the shape of the holes that are evenly placed on both sides of the outermost edge of the uprights, as shown in the image below

Structural Uprights are the industry equivalent to “some assembly required.”  They come disassembled and require the install crew to bolt together the uprights. Install times are dramatically increased because of this extra step in the process. The main advantage of these types of uprights is they can support more weight that standard roll form. 

What are Load beams?

Load beams are the horizontal braces that connect to the front and back side of uprights. A pair of load beams makes  a pallet level. 

When the beams are connected totwo uprights, this is called a “bay.” This is the basic structure of pallet racking. 

Load beams can come in various lengths ranging from 4 feet to 12 feet and be painted any color. Capacities also differ from beam to beam so it’s best to contact a representative to see what types of beams you need. 

Just tell them the size and weight of the largest and heaviest pallet you will be placing on each level, how many levels you need perbay, and how many pallets you intend to place on each level. They will do the rest. 

What are Wire Decks?

Wire decking is the 3rd piece that makes up pallet racking. They span the area between two load beams. Their main function is to support pallets that have been placed poorly and keep them from falling. 

These also range in size and capacity. You decide on what the dimensions are for the wire decks based on the size beam that you are using. For example, for a 4ft beam you would use 1 wire deck with a width of 46” to bridge the gap. To see other examples check out ourwire deck page.

You also must take into account how deep your uprights are. If your uprights are 48” deep, you also need wire decks that are 48” deep. 

New Pallet Racks

Most of the businesses that come to Hoj for pallet racks are usually looking to buy new ones. This is a fantastic option for many businesses for a variety of reasons. 

If you are moving into a new facility, you are going to need a lot of pallet racking for your inventory. For jobs like this, it is best to make a bulk order. You can do this easily for orders of new racking as - much of the time - it is made to order. Generally, you cannot do this for used racking (unless large amount of used materials was recently purchased).

There is nothing quite like a warehouse full of custom-colored, brand-new pallet racking. Custom colors are frequently added to uprights and beams. This added color usually coincides to a companies overall branding or just give your warehouse a nice uniform look throughout. 

Coming from someone who has personally worked with install crews that have dealt with new and used uprights and beams - I can personally attest to this next point. Working with new materials is far easier than used ones. 

This is particularly true when dealing with wire decks and load beams. All Load beams have a pin that secures the beam in place. These don’t work as seamlessly on used beams and can take some finagling to work them into place. 

New wire decks fit into place easily, whereas the used ones are bent from time to time and need to be straightened on occasion to fit into place.

Materials that are easier to work with generally lead to faster install times, which over large jobs can quickly add up. 

Used Pallet Racking

We have been servicing many warehouses in Utah and many warehouses around the country for over 50 years now. We have hundreds of connections with many of the top brands. Because of this we are always hearing about companies that are moving facilities, updating their racking, or just getting rid of their old materials. 

Used pallet racking is almost constantly being purchased because we know how great of a deal it is for many businesses out there. Used racking will typically be sold at about half of the cost of new racking. Those savings are significant and can save companies thousands when they are trying to expand their storage capacities.

Another great benefit to used racking is that it is readily available. You can pick it up or have it shipped to your facility as soon as we can get it prepared for you. Small orders can usually be readied the same day if ordered in the morning. 

New racking - at the time of writing this article - can take anywhere from 12 - 22 months to acquire. This is in a post covid world with many supply issues. Before Covid, the typical lead time was around 7-8 weeks.

Amazing cost savings and short lead times are the main benefits of used racking. At Hoj, used uprights, beams, and wire decks are all vetted by our team of professionals before sale. Any materials that don’t pass are discarded or repurposed. Before buying used you must make sure to inspect the materials yourself as well to make sure that they are up to your personal standards. 

Keep in mind, all these materials come from many different jobs, they typically have different colors, capacities, lengths, and heights. The metal is typically dinged, or the paint might be chipped, or some rust might be visible in certain places. These are the main downsides to used racking. 

Smaller businesses and operations generally buy used racking as it’s highly affordable, and still usable.

If you would like to know what we have in stock, feel free to contact us through our website or give us a call. All used racking is sold on a first come, first sold basis, and our used inventory is very popular.

About Hoj Innovations

Founded in 1964 by Henning Hoj. Over the last fifty-plus years, Hoj Innovations has worked hard to become the #1 trusted leader in organizational consulting and material handling solutions in Utah. For over 50 years Hoj Innovations has pushed the boundaries of warehouse technology and warehouse organizational techniques. 

Technologies like WarehouseOS, which is a unique app-based software picking software designed to integrate with just about any operations.

Hoj attracts the best minds and talent in the industry by offering incredible benefits, top-rate salaries, and the opportunity to work on many world-class projects - not just in Utah but around the country. 

They strive to take care of every customer and help them obtain the materials and services they need to succeed.


Racking for Pallets come in all shapes, sizes and have many different types of purposes. Each piece of the racking works together to support your pallets in the safest and most efficient way possible. Uprights, load beams, and wire decks are all essential for a safe and functioning warehouse. 

If you have any questions or are looking to purchase warehouse supplies, please reach out, and one of our customer service representatives will help you.

Jeremy Barth
Jeremy Barth

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