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July 22, 2020

Governor Gary Herbert announced that COVID-19 restrictions in Utah would begin to be lifted, allowing some business to reopen starting May 1, 2020. Although some restrictions may be lifted, COVID-19 will continue to require special attention to working conditions and society’s safety.

As businesses begin to open, many individuals will return to previous daily tasks and jobs. All individuals are encouraged to wear masks to continue to slow the spread of COVID-19. Governor Herbert says, despite the relaxing of restrictions, Utahns should continue to wear masks in public. Whether an individual is shopping, working, or spending time in public, wearing a mask offers needed protection during this current pandemic.

The risks of COVID-19 will still be prevalent; however, there are ways to combat the dangers that individuals face. The incentive to wear masks allows for society to stay safe while reopening businesses and promoting economic growth. “This is not going back to business as usual,” said Governor Herbert. “We still have risks for COVID-19, but this is an opportunity for us to open up more economic opportunity.”

At HOJ Innovations, employees are encouraged to take extra caution to ensure safety while working. These safety measures keep employees and clients protected during this concerning time. Due to the shortage of safety equipment and masks, we are working closely with Aspen Air, a local manufacturer, to facilitate an alternative solution during this time.

Aspen Air has manufactured reusable masks that are available for purchase. Using injection molded machinery, they were able to create a Reusable Particulate Respirator Frame (PRF) mask that would outlast an already scarce N95 mask by 400%. In fact, you’re able to take the N95 masks and cut out 6 individual filters to be used in one mask. This not only comes at an extreme benefit for doctors and nurses, but also workers in the material handling industry. Though this is not FDC approved, police have been purchasing high volumes as they cannot get any masks to protect their officers. Nationwide, we have been directed to use whatever we can get our hands on. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo stated that wearing masks is “one of the best things we can do” to limit the spread of the virus and move toward reopening.

Chris Osmond
Chris Osmond

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